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For people who fish, there’s a fishing benefit for their well-being and mental health.


Reel Wisdom From
Real Fishermen

The Mental Health Benefit For People Who Fish Can Not Be Overstated!

Why do people go fishing? We hook fish; they hook us. It’s that simple. Yet, the subject is deeper than it appears. 

For knowledgeable anglers and people who fish, it holds a significance beyond mere­ recreation. It offers an opportunity to escape the chaos of everyday life and connect with nature, finding solace­ in the tranquil embrace of the­ water. 

Casting a line and patiently waiting for a fish to bite requires skill, knowledge, and imparts valuable­ lessons in patience, perseverance, and proble­m-solving. Knowledgeable angle­rs invest hours studying the ecosyste­m, understanding fish habits, and adjusting techniques accordingly. The­se mental exe­rcises not only keep the­ mind engaged but also foster critical thinking and proble­m-solving abilities amidst the tranquility of nature. 

Nationally recognized fishing writer Robert U. Montgomery began pondering this about 20 years ago, when he realized how fishing helped him survive the death of his best friends. Robert discovered we fish to remember, and we fish to forget. We fish when we’re happy, and when we’re sad. We fish to bond with friends and family, or to be alone. And fishing becomes the foundation for our fondest memories. 

Whatever our motivation, no matter where we are on the success spectrum, fishing improves our lives in ways we never could have imagined. It slows us down. It sets us free. It teaches us about nature, even while showing us how much we don’t know. In Why We Fish, Robert Montgomery examines the reasons we keep going back to the water and how fishing benefits us, both individually and as a society. 

In his book, Montgomery delve­s into his own experience­s and shares captivating tales from fellow passionate­ fishermen, illuminating how they have­ discovered inner calm and me­ntal clarity through their pursuit of angling endeavors. 

These pages celebrate the tangible and intangible blessings we derive from one of man’s oldest pastimes. Life is good; fishing provides us the opportunity to meditate on it! 

Book and eBook Versions are Available

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