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This book will serve as your sales call training manual, helping you plan the perfect sales call plan.

The Golde​n 120 Seconds of Every Sales Call

A Fresh Innovative Look at the Sales Process

This book will serve as your sales call coaching and training manual, helping you understand how critical the first 120 seconds are

Anyone who sells for a living knows that success often comes down to those magical first moments. These moments can make or break your sales pitch and ultimately determine whether you close the deal. This book shows both new and experienced sales professionals how to use key fundamentals in every selling interaction.

Formulate Your Sales Call Plan

An effective sales call plan requires thoughtful preparation. Going into sales meetings with an informed, individualized strategy increases the likelihood of securing the account. Treat every prospect interaction as an opportunity to learn and refine your approach for future success.

The Golden 120 Sec​onds of Every Sales Call will become your new sales call coaching and training manual to recognize and cultivate this vital part of the process.. This will result in creating meaningful connections with prospects, ultimately leading to more successful deals down the road!

Dozens of books cater to the sales professional, yet most of them gloss over the basic elements of selling–subtle things that boost self-confidence and allow them to sell to groups, negotiate win-win deals, and be prepared to cold call.

Whether you are just starting out or have been working in this field for years, this valuable resource should not be missed!

Book and eBook Versions are Available

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