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Say No To Aging will show you with science how nitric oxide can help you to stay young.

Say No To Aging

How Nitric Oxide Prolongs Life

Physicians T. Barry and Arlene B. Levine answer the urgent question: How can we stay young and reverse aging’s relentless advance?

Using stories and examples, the authors guide us through our bodies at the cellular level, showing how lifestyle choices affect the biochemistry of disease, aging, and oxidative stress, thus affecting human longevity and health span.

Mitochondria, telomeres, longevity genes, adult stem cells, and cell protection mechanisms keep us healthy for many decades, but they are not infinitely renewable.

Say NO to Aging explains how the diseases of aging set in, eroding our health. Say NO to Aging introduces readers to nitric oxide (NO)—a tiny, but immensely important molecule that replenishes our non-renewable life resources and rejuvenates the blood vessels, heart, metabolism, and brain.

What is nitric oxide and how does it help you stay young?

Nitric Oxide (NO) is a gas that doe­s important work in our bodies. Despite be­ing a free radical - something with an unpaire­d electron - it's reactive­ and useful.

In your heart and blood vesse­ls, it's a major player. It's like a traffic controller for your blood, he­lping ​control blood pressure and the flow. How? By e­asing the​ walls of your blood vessels, making the­m wider for better blood flow. Ke­eping this going is key to a healthy he­art and staying young.

Over in your ne­rvous system, it's like a messe­nger carrying memory and behavior instructions. Are­ you fighting an illness? Nitric oxide helps increase your immune function, fighting bugs and viruses.

Supplements that boost nitric oxide

The book discusses several supplements you can use to boost nitric oxide such as fish oil and vitamin C. It will also assist you in knowing which ones not to take.

Foods and drinks that are the best nitric oxide boosters

We can delay aging with easy, yet powerful, lifestyle changes. Drs. Levine provide detailed recommendations on food choices, diets, exercise, and stress reduction practices. They explain how these changes slow the aging process—and protect us against many chronic and lethal diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Say No To Aging shows how a Mediterranean diet consisting of healthy fats, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, legumes, and sea food will increase life expectancy. Here are four drinks that will directly boost nitric oxide: red wine, oolong tea, fruit & vegetable juice, and cocoa drinks. The book contains numerous other food and drink suggestions.

Other topics covered

It contains so many more topics about increasing your nitric oxide and mortality. Some of these are how to increase nitric oxide through breathing, cellular respiration, amino acids, L- arginine, aerobic exercise, antioxidant protection, and how to boost NO bioavailability.

The authors show how modern science has incorporated ancient wisdom that first posited an active life lived in harmony and moderation is the healthiest possible choice that says NO to aging.

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