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Best Places to Buy Gluten Free Food

Are you looking for the best places to buy gluten free food?

Going Gluten Free is your guide to finding gluten free restaurants, grocery stores, and online products.

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Going Gluten Free will show you the  best places to buy gluten free food.

Going Gluten Free is Here to Help

Gluten free diets have become much more popular in recent years, with many people adopting them for health or personal reasons. This rise in popularity has led to an explosion in the availability of gluten free products in grocery stores and restaurants.

Gluten-free grocery stores

For people newly starting a gluten free diet, the amount of gluten-free product options now available can be overwhelming after expecting it to be difficult. Most large grocery stores have dedicated gluten free sections or aisles, with products like flour, tortilla, bread, pasta, crackers, oats, baked goods, ready-to-eat foods, and more. Many mainstream brands have gluten free product lines in addition to specialty gluten free brands. Restaurant menus often have gluten free sections and some fast food chains even offer gluten free buns and pizzas.

Despite the increase in availability, challenges still exist when trying to find gluten free foods. The selection is often still smaller than traditional options and prices can be higher for specialty items. Some stores and restaurants offer few or no gluten free choices. Gluten can also show up in unexpected places like soy sauce and salad dressings, so reading labels carefully is key. Cross-contamination in food preparation remains a concern too. Traveling and dining out at smaller, less gluten-free-savvy establishments takes extra care as well. 

Finding gluten-free restaurant options can be challenging

Yes, finding gluten-free restaurant options can be challenging for a few reasons: 

- Cross-contamination is a major concern. Even restaurants with gluten-free menu items risk contaminating food during prep in shared kitchens. This makes fully gluten-free restaurants rare. 

- Menu labeling and training is inconsistent. Not all restaurants understand gluten ingredients or label menus clearly. Servers may not be knowledgeable about prep methods. This uncertainty can make ordering tricky. 

- Options are often limited. Typical restaurant fare often centers around bread, pasta, soy sauce and other gluten-heavy items. Many places offer few gluten-free entrees. 

- Special requests are required. To be safe, gluten-free diners often have to ask for modifications or specialty preparations, which some restaurants are unwilling to accommodate. 

- Prices can be higher. A gluten-free version of a menu item is sometimes more expensive. Smaller portions are common too. 

- Regional differences exist. Larger cities and gluten-free friendly regions have more choices than rural or less progressive areas. 

- Research is required. Finding reliably gluten-free restaurants takes time and effort - checking menus online, calling ahead about prep, reading reviews. It's not a spur of the moment thing. 

So while awareness and options have improved, dining out gluten-free still requires extra work and care for those trying to avoid gluten. Simple meals become complicated. With planning and creativity, safe gluten-free restaurant eats are possible in most locales. But it remains a tricky part of the lifestyle. 

Overall, while the gluten free trend has made finding gluten free foods easier than in decades past, it still requires more time, effort, and vigilance than a traditional diet. However, the wide and growing amount of gluten free products on the market now makes maintaining a gluten free lifestyle more feasible than ever before. Careful label reading, advanced planning, and knowledge of hidden gluten sources goes a long way towards gluten free success.

Going Gluten Free: Your Guide to Easy, Delicious Gluten Free Living

Have you considered a gluten-free for your health? Or are you recently diagnosed with celiac disease or gluten intolerance and feeling overwhelmed about this major lifestyle change? 

You’re not alone. Millions of people have adopted a gluten free diet and seen huge benefits, from reduced inflammation to more energy. But the idea of giving up familiar foods can be daunting. 
That's why we created Going Gluten Free - your ultimate guidebook to living a delicious, affordable and totally doable gluten free life. 

In Going Gluten Free, you'll discover:

- A positive, can-do mindset to approach gluten free living with excitement, not fear. Your attitude is everything! 

- The history and background behind gluten - know your "enemy" and why avoiding it matters. 

- Tips for safely preparing gluten free meals for the whole family. It's easier than you think! 

- A game plan for eating out and ordering gluten free at restaurants. No more missing out! 

- How to shop smart and decode tricky food labels to avoid "gluten free" pretenders. 

- Budget-friendly swaps so you can enjoy your favorite foods gluten free. 

- Lots of satisfying and tasty gluten free recipes, from breakfasts to desserts. 

- Guidance for restaurants to easily accommodate and serve gluten free guests.

Going gluten free is not about restriction. It's about discovering a new world of food possibilities! With the tools in this book, you'll gain confidence to thrive gluten free.

You deserve to feel amazing and enjoy life. Get your copy today and learn how easy, affordable and delicious going gluten free can be!

Going Gluten Free will show you the  best places to buy gluten free food. Buy Now!