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This book is your guide to using networking opportunities to achieve college success.

College Success: Networking

From ​College To Career

Make the most of networking opportunities to achieve college success

You’ve been networking your whole life; it’s just that you called it making friends. Whether you start on the first day of college or wait until later, networking is an easy, fun, and effective way to further your career. This timely book will show you how to turn friends, family, professors, and other groups into a personal network that will serve you for the rest of your life. Networking goes way beyond social media. The secret to moving seamlessly from college to a great job (while bypassing entry level positions) isn’t in having a wealthy family or being born with a high IQ.

How important are student networks?

The key to success lies with the people you meet in college and the people you already know. Networks of fe­llow students are key to doing we­ll in college. These­ networks bring support, help, and chances to work toge­ther. Meeting othe­r students gives you a fee­ling of fitting in. It also improves how well you do in school and helps with pe­rsonal growth. Making solid student networks goes a long way in making­ college a success!

The concrete advice in this book will help you find the right people, show you exactly what to say, and help you find internships, residencies, fellowships, and amazing career opportunities.

Using networking opportunities effectively will be your key to unlocking college success!

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