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This book is a valuable companion for those on the cancer journey, providing inspiration and courage.


Inspiration, Wisdom, and Courage for the Cancer Journey and other Hard Times

Chemo and cancer are passing events, not a life sentence. With this nurturing advise you may discover that cancer is all about living!

Embarking on a chemo and cancer journey can be emotionally and physically draining. This requires not only physical strength but also inner resilience and mental fortitude. In this book, we aim to provide you with inspiration, wisdom, and courage to support you during this difficult time.

Most chemotherapy horror stories are based on things that happened years ago when oncologists used very few, very toxic drugs. Today, many options and drugs are available. With knowledge comes empowerment, allowing you to make informed decisions about your treatment plan and better navigate the challenges that may arise.

However, a cancer diagnosis is still perhaps the most feared diagnosis in all of medicine. Add chemotherapy to that and you have a double dose of fear and anxiety.
Chemo: More Secrets to Thriving will be your friend, companion, and guide while showing you it’s possible to live well and thrive during treatment. The book is filled with uplifting ideas, thoughts, and practices to help you nurture yourself and get through difficult days.

The journaling pages will help you deal with emotions and learn it’s okay to focus on yourself and ask for help.

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