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 Johannes Lisiecki has one of the most incredible open heart surgery recovery stories, demonstrating that a full recovery and an active lifestyle are achievable! Buy Now

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GIBRALTAR–The Story of My Heart

A Journey From Heart Surgery to Athlete

One of the most inspiring open heart surgery recovery stories, showing that a full recovery and an active lifestyle is indeed attainable.

This book discusses recovering from open heart surgery, a touching and real life health & wellness book. With his excellent physical condition and active lifestyle, Johannes Lisiecki was not a likely candidate for heart disease. Yet one day he suffered a major cardiac event that soon led to open heart surgery and a complicated recovery.

Despite the challenges, within a year Johannes was swimming many miles each week, had established an organization to promote awareness of congenital heart disease, and set an incredibly difficult goal to swim the Strait of Gibraltar.

His endurance and perseverance amazed the doctors, but Johannes believes other heart patients can make the same dr​amatic recovery. This book gives a truly inspiring and realistic view of the events surrounding heart surgery and the recovery process, including the psychological journey for patients and their caregivers.

It is definitely a must-read for anyone experiencing recovery from open heart surgery and/or treatment.

This book contains all the elements we love: danger, suspense, pathos, human emotions, and real life situations.​ This is one of the open heart surgery recovery stories which reminds us that more than one person is involved in every medical event.

One reviewer says, “This is a touching, personal story. It's a great read for loved ones and caregivers of those experiencing medical trauma. I found myself relating in many ways to Johannes' health trials. Having had two loved ones with serious illnesses, it was a joy to hear his story with humor and such a positive attitude.”